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What is Faith?

As we start the book of Shemot, let us delve into its general message and central theme. The perashah begins with the descent of Yaakov Avinu and his family to Egypt. They were only a small group when they arrived,…

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A calamitous confusion

In this week’s Parasha we are told of the terrible calamity of the worshipping of the golden calf. As Moshe Rabbenu receives the luchot from Hashem atop Har Sinai he is told Shemot (32:7) ‘Lech red ki shichet amecha – Go descend for…

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Two is better than one!

An ignorant patient once approached a doctor asking for his analysis on his brain. The doctor examined the patient and told him, “I’m sorry to tell you that your brain has two halves. The left half has nothing right in…

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Parasha Insights

There is something entirely unique to Parshas Tetzave that we do not find by any other Parsha from the beginning of Sefer Shemot until the end of the Book of Numbers, (Bamidbor) – Moshe Rabbeinu’s name is not mentioned, not even once. What kind of message can this possibly…

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Don’t Be Anxious—Believe!

An Iranian group is reportedly threatening to destroy what local Jews believe to be the ancient burial site of Queen Esther and Mordechai in Hamedan in retaliation for President Donald Trump’s “Deal of the Century” Israeli-Palestinian peace plan. Despite being…

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