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A Gift from G-d!

Simon moved up north and noticed that there was no supermarket in his area. He opened up a very popular store and within a few years was earning a staggering £20,000 a month. Business was great. He had a fantastic…

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Vidui Overview

Yom Kippur is the highlight of the Aseret Yimei Teshuva, the ten days of repentance. How can we tap in to the special mercy of this day? There is a natural atonement in the day itself as the possuk says…

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Yom Hakippurim – Spiritual Purity

The sefer Ohr Gedalya writes that the pasuk, when discussing the atonement of Yom Kippur, mentions the words “kapara” – atonement, and “tahara” – purification. When a person sins, he not only deserves punishment, but his soul is tainted by the effects of…

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The root of all Sins

“Ki ata solechan leYisrael umochalan leshivte Yeshurun umibal’adecha en lanu melech mochel vesoleyach.” For you are the pardoner of Israel and the forgiver of the tribes of Yeshurun and without you we have no forgiver and pardoner. (Yom Kippur prayers)…

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Kol Nidrei

Chasidim are accustomed on Erev Yom Kippur to come to their Rabbi and give some charity as a pidyon nefesh — redemption of the soul. In the city of Berditchev where the famous interceder on behalf of Klal Yisrael, Rabbi…

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