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The great Sage Rav stated (Gemara Nazir 23b) a person should always endeavor to study Torah and perform Mitsvot, even if he is performing the Mitsvot for an alternative reason, and not for the sake of Heaven (Afilu SheLelo Lishma…

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Who is to Blame?

Having suffered more setbacks on their journey through the desert after some thirty-eight years on their way to the Holy Land, the Jewish People were getting weary. They began complaining about their general predicament and about the manna, with which…

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Disconnect to Reconnect!

Enter a synagogue during the week and take a look around. What are people’s facial expressions? Tired, overworked, stressed? When it comes to Shabbat morning however, it would seem that you are entering a different place with completely different people.…

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Parasha Insights

To become a leader one needs stamina, charisma, to be persistent, powerful and pushy in his drive. One needs to walk over others that step in his path, pushing them aside, and work hard to keep his position. I am…

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Choose Your Friends

In this week’s parashah we encounter another tragic incident during the journey phase of the Jewish People in the wilderness. Korach the Levite and his followers, two hundred and fifty dignitaries from the neighbouring tribes, were casting aspersions as to…

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Two Sides of the Coin

This week’s parasha recounts the famous story of the Jewish spies that were sent into Israel to investigate the land before entering. The spies found that the land was well inhabited and they were distraught that they would not be…

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