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Two Sides of the Coin

This week’s parasha recounts the famous story of the Jewish spies that were sent into Israel to investigate the land before entering. The spies found that the land was well inhabited and they were distraught that they would not be…

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The spies returned from their 40 day tour of the land of Israel. As they are relating to the Bnei Yisrael what they saw, they exclaim, “We saw the… sons of the giant… and we were like grasshoppers in our…

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Naughty Boys

Imagine a school classroom. The school day is nearly finished. The kids are fidgeting and restless. The teacher is still finishing off his lesson. While he is writing on the board, the bell goes. The teacher finishes writing. Seconds later,…

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Are you Moshe?!

Want to be a servant? Of course not, it’s a tough job right? Well there’s another side to that argument. The number of butlers registered with Greycoat Placements, the servants’ employment agency, has almost doubled to more than 5,000 over…

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Prevention or Cure

In our parasha we find two important, yet seemingly unrelated topics, sotah and nazir, mentioned next to each other. A sotah is a woman whose husband suspects her of being disloyal. If she does not confess her guilt, she is…

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The Ultimate Blessing!

Shabbat arrives and the family gathers round the table. The children approach their father for a blessing, and out of his Holy mouth emanates the famous words Yevarechacha Hashem Veyishmeracha – May Hashem Bless you and Guard you. This was…

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Environmental Friendly

We may not like to think of ourselves as conformists but there is ample scientific evidence that to some extent, whether we like it or not, we are conditioned by the environment and society we find ourselves in. In the…

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