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Torah Artillery

In a speech at a Rabbis conference in Europe, Rabbi Elchanan Wasserman z”l Hy”d shared the following insight in the name of his Rabbi, the Chafetz Chaim. The Chafetz Chaim asked, since the angel who fought against Yaakov Avinu is…

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Parasha Insights

This week’s Torah reading relates that Abraham established an inn for guests, and there he “called upon the name of the eternal G-d.” Our Rabbis interpret this phrase, explaining that the intent is not that only Abraham himself called to…

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The lobster is a soft mushy animal that lives inside a solid shell. That rigid shell doesn’t expand. So how does the lobster grow? As the lobster grows it feels under pressure of its shell. It goes under a rock…

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Jerusalem Live!

“He mourned for his son for many days (22 yrs!)….and he refused to be comforted” (37:34) Rashi explains that G-d placed into nature that the bitterness of the passing away of a dear one gradually decreases until the departure gets…

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Just say No!

Imagine one of those typical days in London. The clouds are heavy, the wind is strong and the rain doesn’t stop falling. You come into work after having fought with the wind, your umbrella broken and your coat drenched. Just…

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Where was Dina?

Yaakov was preparing for his encounter with Esav. He transferred the entire family across the river. Yet the Torah seems to miss out the mention of one person – Dina. Rashi (32:23) commenting on the transfer, states that Dina was…

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Parasha Insights

Our Torah is a Book of Commandments, yet SeferBeraishit, the longest of the Five Books, deals mostly with the history of our Matriarchs and Patriarchs. It is through their lives that we learn proper conduct, morals, and values. It is…

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Praying isn’t as easy at it seems. Sometimes we pray for something for years and never seem to be answered, yet on other occasions we can see immediate success in our prayers. In this week’s parsha we learn of one…

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Shabbat UK Shalom!

A couple came in for counselling. The husband was a football ‘fanatic’. The wife spoke of how every night he would rush to the TV and ensure to watch the game. The therapist assured her it was actually quite the…

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