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The Thief’s Answer!

Imagine a fantastic life where children are conceived and born on the same day. A newborn child is immediately able to stand and walk with the ability to speak. The land is filled with abundance and great produce. People possess…

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Parsha Insights

“And Noach the man of the earth profaned and he planted a vineyard and drank from the wine and he became drunk” “Vayachel” Rashi explains that he profaned himself as he should have first planted something else.  The Midrash Rabbah says…

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Never Enough!

KelatyMany of you will be familiar with the following domestic scene: Husband goes out shopping, bearing huge shopping list from Wife. Husband goes to kosher shop, trawling round and round the aisles, furiously crossing off things from the the list.…

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Beneath The Surface

Have you ever seen an iceberg up close? Take a look at the picture on this page. Quite startling. The photograph came from a rig manager for Global Marine Drilling in St. John, Newfoundland. They have to divert the path…

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Parasha Insights

As we read about the mabul that destroyed an entire generation, and left only NOACH with his family intact in the safety of the Teivoh, we need to give this a little thought. What was the severity of the sin…

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How’s your commute?

If you think your commute home is bad, well you’re lucky you don’t live in China! Nobody likes sitting in traffic, but in the overcrowded People’s Republic of China, rush hour has an entirely different meaning. Last week saw a…

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