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Parasha Insights

Avraham and Lot had long since parted ways; the dispute between their shepherds was the catalyst for the protégé Lot leaving his famous uncle to forge his own path – better to be the judge in Sodom than in the…

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Every Step Counts!

It was a scorching hot day, and Avraham was recovering from his Brit Mila. The Torah relates what happens next: “And he lifted his eyes and saw, and behold, three men were standing beside him, and he saw and he…

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Parasha Insights

“And Noach the man of the earth profaned and he planted a vineyard and drank from the wine and he became drunk” “Vayachel” Rashi explains that he profaned himself as he should have first planted something else.  The Midrash Rabbah…

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The Lazy Son!

How are you feeling this week? Exhausted!?! Why? Well, where do I start? After a month of waking up early for Selichot, two deep days in prayer at Rosh Hashanah, ten days of repenting followed by a beautiful fast on…

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Parasha Insights

 As we complete the first book of the Torah we are left with a subconscious message hinted throughout the Parasha. It all begins with the name of this week’s Parasha - Vayechi. In essence, the Parasha relates Yaakov’s last years…

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Women’s Liberation

At the conclusion of the Book of Bereshit, our forefather, Yaakov, blessed each of his sons before he died. Yosef, who merited becoming second-in-command of Egypt, was blessed by his father to have special favour in the eyes of all…

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