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Parsha Insights

When we are young, we can’t wait to be older. We want to be considered grownups ASAP. We want to drive, order, invest, and be independent like the adults. Yet once we have reached a certain age, we look back…

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The “love” bite!

When Jacob and Esau finally meet in this week’s sedra the Torah describes; “Esau ran to meet him and hug him, and he fell on his neck, and he kissed him and they cried”. (Genesis 33:4) In a Torah scroll, there is…

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Torah Artillery

In a speech at a Rabbis conference in Europe, Rabbi Elchanan Wasserman z”l Hy”d shared the following insight in the name of his Rabbi, the Chafetz Chaim. The Chafetz Chaim asked, since the angel who fought against Yaakov Avinu is…

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All in the Details

In the entire book of Bereishis – the longest of the five books of the Torah – there are a grand Total of three Mitzvos! The first is key to the continuing existence of the Human race – the positive commandment of P’ruUR’vu-to procreate, found in ParshasBereishis.…

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Where was Dina?

Yaakov was preparing for his encounter with Esav. He transferred the entire family across the river. Yet the Torah seems to miss out the mention of one person – Dina. Rashi (32:23) commenting on the transfer, states that Dina was…

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Singing about Angels!

When does Shabbat really kick in for you? Is it when you first light the match for those wonderful surreal Shabbat candles, or when singing Lecha Dodi to a chorus? For the family as a whole it seems to be…

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Master Of Your Destiny

Every test in life makes us bitter or better, every problem comes to break or make us. The choice is ours whether we become Victim or Victor! The Torah relates the trials and tribulations of our ancestors in order for…

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