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There is a joke told about a thief who decided to rob a house one night. He broke in stealthily and after much effort found some expensive jewellery which he managed to pack into his bag. Just then he heard…

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Much has been made lately about the importance of honesty and integrity in business and everyday life especially during times of economic hardship when people are sometimes driven to “beg, borrow or steal”. A recent study showed that as many…

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Money Money Money!

Money makes the world go round is the famous saying. We need money to buy our food, to build our houses to pay our day to day bills. Money enables us to survive. Yet money, especially in today’s economically hard…

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Parasha Insights

This week’s Parasha briefly mentions that one who murders another is subject to the punishment of death. The Mishnah in Sanhedrin points out that murder is an extremely severe act, since all subsequent generations are wiped out, not just one…

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Much has been made lately about the importance of honesty and integrity in business and everyday life especially during times of economic hardship when people are sometimes driven to “beg, borrow or steal”. It wasn’t so long ago when the…

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There is a joke told about a thief who decided to rob a house one night. He broke in stealthily and after much effort found some expensive jewellery which he managed to pack into his bag. Just then he heard…

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