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Trust or Effort

While the Jewish People travelled and sojourned in the desert, G-d sustained them with the Manna – heavenly bread. It was a miraculous food that was sent daily from heaven and tasted according to each person’s wishes. The experience of…

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Parasha Insights

How is your schedule looking next week? Shouldn’t really talk about it on Shabbat, but I am asking as this question has a specific lesson to teach. We are grateful to be living in one of the most advanced nations…

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What is freedom?

What was the purpose of the going out from Egypt? Hashem informed Moshe that upon leaving they would 'serve Hashem on this mountain'. In other words they were not being freed from slavery for freedoms sake, to live a life…

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Making a Mockery

A typical Jewish married couple are the proud parents of a 12-year-old daughter. They are not at all Jewishly observant, but they want their child to grow up happy and healthy, and to marry a Jew. You point out to…

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Hashem Melech!

At a Brit in Jerusalem a great Rabbi stood up to speak and wish well to the grandfather, an accomplished Talmud scholar, on the occasion of the Bris of his first grand-child, “Mazel Tov” he said, “today you are a…

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