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Parasha Insights

“And Yithro came…”  (18:1) The Talmud (Zevachim 116a) discusses what made Yithro, a gentile priest, come to join our nation? R. Yehoshua says it was the war of Amalek; R. Elazar HaModai says the giving of the Torah; R. Eliezer…

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There is a famous story of a man called Mo that went to borrow a horse from his neighbour, Shmuli. “Sure, you can borrow my horse,” replied Shmuli, “But there is one thing you have to know about this horse.…

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It’s time for a reality check!

In the year 5776 what kind of a world are we living in? Given historical trends, would you say the world has become more violent or peaceful? War seems more widespread than ever; Israel, Iraq, Syria, Ukraine,  Afghanistan, etc. Violence…

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Parasha Insights

Yitro hears about all that Hashem did for the Jewish people when He took them out of Egypt and decides to join them. The first Rashi on this week’sParsha asks what exactly did Yitro hear that made him come to…

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