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We all find ourselves in uncomfortable situations every now and then, facing challenges which touch the raw edges of our character. Take for example the case where Reuven is listening to the chazzan’s repetition of the shemoneh esreh during mincha just before his daughter’s…

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Blind Determination

It is widely known that the key to the Israeli victory in the 1967 (“6-day”) war was its decision to launch a pre-emptive strike on the air-forces of the Arab armies which had united to wage war against them. It…

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Lessons from Terminal Five

Airport encounters can be strange. The gentleman sitting opposite me informed me that although he had emigrated to Haifa many years ago, he had returned briefly to his homeland in a remote corner of the United States to visit his…

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True value – The fire and the flame

As I stood outside the bombed out crematoria three in Auschwitz – Birkenau earlier this week I heard how the cries of shemayisroel were so routinely heard from the gas chambers that Adolph Eichmann, the prominent director of the final solution was want to…

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