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Judaism – Just a Religion?

Have you ever felt that being Jewish can be limiting and restricting? Or have you perhaps viewed Yiddishkeit as a systematic rigid construct with no room for self-expression and passion? If the answer to the above is “No”, then this…

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The Lessons We Can Learn From an Ox

“And if an ox were to gore three times…” (Shemos 21:29) Our Parasha informs us of the laws related to an ox that causes damages to others and differentiates between two types of cases: 1)            The ox that causes damages…

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Hagar is Keturah

Commenting on the verse, “Avraham took another wife whose name was Keturah.”[1] Rashi comments that this was in fact Hagar who Avraham had previously separated himself from. As to the sudden change in name Rashi comments that she is called Keturah…

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The Seder of Chaim Porter

Looking back over the Seder he had just completed, Reb Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev noted with satisfaction that he had succeeded in suffusing each of its successive stages with the light of kabbalisitc meditation. But at that moment a voice…

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Solving Rashi’s Problem

In this week’s parashah, Pharaoh orders the midwives named Shifra and Puah to kill any new born Jewish boy. However, the midwives feared G‑d and did not obey. When challenged by Pharaoh, they told him that the Jewish women were skilled in…

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