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Don’t Abuse

This week’s parasha discusses a prohibition common to business and speech: “When you sell an item to your friend, or you buy from your friend, do not exploit (overcharge or underpay) one another” (Behar 25:14). The Torah commands both the…

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Giving or Taking?

The Torah teaches us a lot about the commandment, incumbent upon a man, of getting married. Due to its importance, the mitzvah “to be fruitful and multiply” is the first commandment to be mentioned in the Torah. Getting married, building…

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Rising to the Challenge

At the beginning of the perashah, the Torah instructs the high priest to light the menorah – candelabrum every evening. One of its lights would miraculously stay alight constantly, thereby giving testimony that G-d dwells amongst His people. The verse…

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Divine Providence

As we proceed through the book of Shemot, we read about the slavery and persecution that the Jews suffered under Egyptian rule. G-d warned Pharoah, through his emissaries Moshe and Aharon, that if he does not free the Jews, he…

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