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Parsha Insights

“Today you have become a nation” (27:9). The Torah describes us as being born a nation on the day that we accepted upon ourselves to be loyal and faithful to G-d’s Torah! At this stage we were still a wandering…

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Parsha Insights

“And Moshe called Hoshea the son of Nun Yehoshua” (13:16). The revised name Yehoshua implies Y-ah Hoshia [may G-d save you], symbolizing that before sending the spies on their mission, Moshe prayed on behalf of Yehoshua that G-d should save…

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Jerusalem Live!

“He mourned for his son for many days (22 yrs!)….and he refused to be comforted” (37:34) Rashi explains that G-d placed into nature that the bitterness of the passing away of a dear one gradually decreases until the departure gets…

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