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Rabbi’s Articles

TAL is very lucky to have new articles each week written not only by their well known and respected Rabbi Tawil, but also by guest Rabbis.

Rabbi Tawil

Each week Rabbi Tawil writes an article welcoming in Shabbat and giving us his thoughts and insights on the weekly Parasha. Rabbi Tawil’s articles incorporate an amazing understanding of the weekly Torah content as well as its meaning and how it relates to our everyday lives.

In addition to Rabbi Tawil’s articles, TAL is honoured to have a guest Rabbi write for them each week in their Parasha Sheet. Their article is also published live on the TAL website, and provides a further thought provoking insight to the weekly Torah portion.

The articles written by different Rabbis each week are a wonderful way to build knowledge and insight from the Torah and gain values and inspiration to guide us all in our everyday lives.

The Secret Small Aleph

The Secret Small Aleph

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
There is a story of a US Naval ship travelling on a stormy winter night off the coast of Newfoundland; ...
Purim and the dedicated commuter!

Purim and the dedicated commuter!

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
How long does it take you to get to work? Are you one of those suffering the increase in tube ...
Parasha Insights

Parasha Insights

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
Just over an hour drive from Jerusalem heading south, you will hit an oasis of life in the Israeli desert ...


Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
From the moment it begins beating until the moment it stops, the human heart works tirelessly. In an average lifetime, ...
Stay Connected!

Stay Connected!

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
In this week's Parsha the Torah details a myriad of pecuniary laws, which include torts and damage law, as well ...
Gifts – It’s the thought that counts!

Gifts – It’s the thought that counts!

Eli Gabay
Why did Hashem command that the Jews “TAKE for me a donation” when donating to the construction of the Tabernacle? ...
Parasha Insights

Parasha Insights

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
Yitro hears about all that Hashem did for the Jewish people when He took them out of Egypt and decides ...
What proportion of the Jewish population left Egypt?

What proportion of the Jewish population left Egypt?

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
The Jews finally left Egypt. What a sight – millions of slaves freed in the most magnificent way! The Torah ...
Never WRONG!

Never WRONG!

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
I once heard a saying from someone who felt he was infallible: “I’m never wrong. The only time I was ...
Science Increasingly Makes the Case for God

Science Increasingly Makes the Case for God

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
We live in a fantastic world, filled with colourful scenery, delicious food, awesome activities. The Torah refers to earth as ...
The Stranger’s ONE Question!

The Stranger’s ONE Question!

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
Do you have ambition? When you were younger, were you striving to reach a goal; a job that would lead ...
Live Forever!

Live Forever!

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
If there is one thing for certain in life, it is that everyone dies. Sounds depressing, but in actual fact ...
Shema Yisrael!

Shema Yisrael!

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
Twenty two long years have passed and finally Yosef meets his father: “He [Yosef] fell on his [father’s] neck, and ...
Chanuka Presents!

Chanuka Presents!

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
The delicious smell of doughnuts is in the air, and the beautiful candles across the community are alight as we ...
Finding Parking!

Finding Parking!

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
A man was driving to a very important meeting in town. He was late and any more delay could cause ...
Singing about Angels!

Singing about Angels!

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
When does Shabbat really kick in for you? Is it when you first light the match for those wonderful surreal ...
‘Are you Serious?’

‘Are you Serious?’

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
How do you act when your spouse complains? Some people are calm and collected, others are quick to fight back, ...
Rising from the Dead

Rising from the Dead

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
Last week an interesting story happened in Poland. A lady by the name of Bogumila arrived home one day to ...
Confusing our minds!

Confusing our minds!

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
Our Parsha begins on a sad note. Sarah the wife of Avraham and the Mother of the Jewish people passes ...
Alarm Bells Ringing!

Alarm Bells Ringing!

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
The alarm rings. It’s six thirty in the morning and your head is spinning. You wonder to yourself what day ...
Movers and Shakers!

Movers and Shakers!

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
A great man once said, “If you are going through hell – keep going!” We were created to be movers; ...
The Lazy Son!

The Lazy Son!

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
How are you feeling this week? Exhausted!?! Why? Well, where do I start? After a month of waking up early ...
One Small Step!

One Small Step!

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
After a big storm, thousands of starfish had washed up on a secluded beach. One day, a man was walking ...


Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
The festival of Succot is a happy festival. We celebrate the fact that Hashem took us out of Egypt and ...


Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
Theodore Roosevelt once famously commented: “The best thing you can do is the right thing; the next best thing you ...
Master Of Your Destiny

Master Of Your Destiny

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
Every test in life makes us bitter or better, every problem comes to break or make us. The choice is ...

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