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Rabbi’s Articles

TAL is very lucky to have new articles each week written not only by their well known and respected Rabbi Tawil, but also by guest Rabbis.

Rabbi Tawil

Each week Rabbi Tawil writes an article welcoming in Shabbat and giving us his thoughts and insights on the weekly Parasha. Rabbi Tawil’s articles incorporate an amazing understanding of the weekly Torah content as well as its meaning and how it relates to our everyday lives.

In addition to Rabbi Tawil’s articles, TAL is honoured to have a guest Rabbi write for them each week in their Parasha Sheet. Their article is also published live on the TAL website, and provides a further thought provoking insight to the weekly Torah portion.

The articles written by different Rabbis each week are a wonderful way to build knowledge and insight from the Torah and gain values and inspiration to guide us all in our everyday lives.



Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
Late June 1976; passengers boarding Air France flight 139 discover it is now stopping in Athens en route to Paris ...
Be Fruitful

Be Fruitful

Shabbat Shalom
Our Torah contains 613 commandments, mitzvot. There are 248 positive ones that we must “do,” and 365 negative ones that ...


Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
The world in which we live is a very round place. A chicken's egg, the human eye, the spawn of ...
Repentance Out of Love

Repentance Out of Love

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
The festival of Succot is a happy festival. We celebrate the fact that Hashem took us out of Egypt and ...
Sukkot Insights

Sukkot Insights

Rabbi Benjamin Stone
During Yom Kippur we restored our relationship with Hashem. On Sukkot we learn how that relationship should affect our everyday ...
Sukkot Insights

Sukkot Insights

Rabbi Menachem M. Junik
The Gemoro Sukka Daf 27b states "כל ישראל ראוים לישב בסוכה אחת" – all the Jewish people are fit to ...
A Message from the Sukah

A Message from the Sukah

Rabbi Meir Markovic
It says in Parshat Pinchos, 'Bayom Hashemini Atzeret Tiheye Lochem'. Targum Yonason translates this as 'We should gather ourselves from ...
Sukkot Insights

Sukkot Insights

Rabbi Avraham Citron
My grandfather, Rabbi Eliyahu Chaim Carlebach was a rabbi in New Jersey at a time of changing demographics. An older ...
From Sublimation to Intensity

From Sublimation to Intensity

Rabbi K Mahiach Kelaty
Yom Kippur, the ultimate day of repentance, has the Jewish nation simultaneously praying, fasting and asking for forgiveness. It begins ...
YOM KIPPUR: The 13 Attributes

YOM KIPPUR: The 13 Attributes

Rabbi Jeff Berger
Over time and even among Sephardim, the Jewish world has adopted practices that viewed objectively are hard to explain. But ...
You Only Fail When You Stop Trying!

You Only Fail When You Stop Trying!

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, is the holy of holies of Jewish time. It is that rarest of phenomena, ...
Who am I?

Who am I?

Rabbi Shmuel Kimche
Yom Kippur, Joy? Yom Kippur, by far the scariest day of the year – yet the Mishnah (Ta’anis 26b) tells ...
Rosh Hashana

Rosh Hashana

Rabbi Raphy Garson
Along the timeline of history there are days which stand out, days which are burnt into our memories. Such days ...
The Chief Rabbi’s Rosh Hashanah Message

The Chief Rabbi’s Rosh Hashanah Message

Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis
On 23rd June 2019, something extraordinary happened in Turkey; something which provides an insight into how each of us might ...
Our Father, Our King.

Our Father, Our King.

Rabbi Avraham Citron
Our Father, our King. You are judging us today. This is, after all, the Yom HaDin, the Day of Judgment, ...
The Real Impact

The Real Impact

Rabbi Aharon Gabbay
As we approach the new year, we are packed with mixed emotions of solemn and joy. The day of judgement ...
Macro or Micro?

Macro or Micro?

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
It’s Rosh Hashanah and that gets you thinking. Many questions pass your mind, what’s with the apple and honey? What’s ...
Parsha Insights

Parsha Insights

Rabbi Yitschak Hacohen Tawil
“Today you have become a nation” (27:9). The Torah describes us as being born a nation on the day that ...


Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
It is every kid's worst nightmare and six-year-old Jaden Hayes (from Savannah, Georgia) has lived it -twice. First he lost ...
Bringing Home

Bringing Home

Rabbi Yehonatan Salem
In this parashah (Ki Tetze 22:1-4) the Torah instructs us that if we see that a fellow Jew’s ox or ...
Two Wives!

Two Wives!

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
Are you married? No? What you waiting for, join the club! Yes – for how long? Has it been a ...
What are You Chasing?

What are You Chasing?

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
A banker was vacationing in a small coastal village. While walking near a pier, he observed a small boat with ...
Complete Reliance

Complete Reliance

Rabbi Yehonatan Salem
One of our main “legacies of life” is the positive commandment in this week’s parashah. “Tamim tiheye im Hashem Elokecha” ...
Parasha Insights

Parasha Insights

Rabbi Menachem M. Junik
“Re’eh Nasati Lifneichem Hayom” – with the Possuk, Hashem sets out the roadmap and life mission of every single Jew. Today, Shabbos Parshas Re’eh coincides with Rosh ...
Why is the Place hidden?

Why is the Place hidden?

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
At the end of this sentence I would like you to close your eyes for a few seconds and ponder ...
The Dangerous Reward

The Dangerous Reward

Rabbi Adam Mather
A school teacher asked a student, "John, will you please conjugate the verb 'to go' for the class?" The kid ...
To Fear G-d.

To Fear G-d.

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
Bertrand Russell (a British philosopher and mathematician who was a foremost proponent of atheism in the early 20th century) once ...
Moshe Rabbeinu’s Words of Comfort

Moshe Rabbeinu’s Words of Comfort

Rabbi Alex Chapper
In what must have been an extremely emotional address, Moshe has to tell the people that he is about to ...
Shema - Give Witness!

Shema – Give Witness!

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
There is a famous story of a traveller who visited one of the greatest rabbis of the last generation - ...
Where’s My Reward?

Where’s My Reward?

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
The Midrash Tehillim says that the Giants Og and Sichon were more formidable adversaries than Pharaoh and his army. Moshe ...
The Fast of Av – A Time of Meeting

The Fast of Av – A Time of Meeting

Rabbi Alan Garber
The Fast of Av - the day of Jewish national mourning starts at sunset this Saturday evening just before Shabbat ...
Torah – The Recipe For Real Success  

Torah – The Recipe For Real Success  

Rabbi Benjamin Stone
As the B’nei Yisrael stood on the threshold of their promised land the tribes of Gad and Reuven approached Moshe ...
Women: The Pillars of Jewish Continuity

Women: The Pillars of Jewish Continuity

Rabbi Danny Kada
In my role as Registrar of our unique Beth Din, I regularly receive applications for conversion from men or women ...
Sixteen Thousand Years

Sixteen Thousand Years

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
In the age of big numbers we have recently witnessed an awesome but sad statistic. An article in the Economist ...
Not Just Any Stones!

Not Just Any Stones!

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
The Talmud (Sotah 42a) says that there are four groups of people that do not merit greeting the Divine presence ...
What goes around comes around

What goes around comes around

Rabbi Aharon Gabbay
In this Torah portion we are introduced to a new concept of Galut (exile) regarding one who kills unintentionally; they ...

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