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We are dependent on fundraising for a large percentage of our income, but it’s not just about the money. Fundraising can encourage others to get involved and spread the word, help promote our message.

TAL has successfully organised many Awesome Themed Shabbatons with attendance of over 200 people at each Shabbaton. TAL creates an inspiring atmosphere coupled with a great social which enables participants to meet and develop relationships with youth from the wider community.

By leaving a gift of donation in your will to Torah Action Life, your compassion and kindness will live on. It will stretch further, reach more members of our community, help our youth study Judaism, and continue to connect our Jewish networks.

By sponsoring the Parasha sheet, a shiur or even and event will support us and we can continue for many years to come.  See how you can help us.

Every penny counts at TAL help us keep the spark going by providing us a donation in the memory of a loved one.

Your monthly donation is an effective way to help TAL share the light with community.  There are differently monthly plans.

Get Your group involved with TAL

Here’s how your money helps TAL

Since Inception

Jewish Young Professionals & Students
Shiduchim and new families have been created

This Year Alone

Students and YPS attended our programs
TAL Marriages
Attending Weekly Learning Programs
Young Married couples attending Monthly

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