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Rabbi’s Articles

TAL is very lucky to have new articles each week written not only by their well known and respected Rabbi Tawil, but also by guest Rabbis.

Rabbi Tawil

Each week Rabbi Tawil writes an article welcoming in Shabbat and giving us his thoughts and insights on the weekly Parasha. Rabbi Tawil’s articles incorporate an amazing understanding of the weekly Torah content as well as its meaning and how it relates to our everyday lives.

In addition to Rabbi Tawil’s articles, TAL is honoured to have a guest Rabbi write for them each week in their Parasha Sheet. Their article is also published live on the TAL website, and provides a further thought provoking insight to the weekly Torah portion.

The articles written by different Rabbis each week are a wonderful way to build knowledge and insight from the Torah and gain values and inspiration to guide us all in our everyday lives.

The eternal gift

The eternal gift

Rabbi Aharon Gabbay
“Six days work may be done, but on the seventh day you shall have sanctity, a day of complete rest ...
Parasha Insights

Parasha Insights

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
In 2015 Johnny Strange lived up to his last name – entering the record books for pulling a huge aeroplane ...
Being a giver is about fulfilling what is needed1

Being a giver is about fulfilling what is needed1

Rabbi Elchonon Feldman
Oil for lighting, spices for the anointing oil and for the incense (Shemos 25:6) Building upon Rashi’s commentary of this ...


Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
Have you ever felt in an awkward situation where you really want to let your feelings be known, but its ...


Rabbi Shimshon Silkin
Much has been made lately about the importance of honesty and integrity in business and everyday life especially during times ...


Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
There is a joke told about a thief who decided to rob a house one night. He broke in stealthily ...
Parasha Insights2

Parasha Insights2

Rabbi Yitschak Hacohen Tawil
“And Yithro came…”  (18:1) The Talmud (Zevachim 116a) discusses what made Yithro, a gentile priest, come to join our nation? ...
Parsha Insights1

Parsha Insights1

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
Yitro hears about all that Hashem did for the Jewish people when He took them out of Egypt and decides ...
Trust or Effort

Trust or Effort

Rabbi Yehonatan Salem
While the Jewish People travelled and sojourned in the desert, G-d sustained them with the Manna – heavenly bread. It ...
Parasha Insights

Parasha Insights

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
How is your schedule looking next week? Shouldn’t really talk about it on Shabbat, but I am asking as this ...
What is freedom?

What is freedom?

Rabbi Jonathan Shooter
What was the purpose of the going out from Egypt? Hashem informed Moshe that upon leaving they would 'serve Hashem ...
Making a Mockery

Making a Mockery

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
A typical Jewish married couple are the proud parents of a 12-year-old daughter. They are not at all Jewishly observant, ...
Hashem Melech!

Hashem Melech!

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
At a Brit in Jerusalem a great Rabbi stood up to speak and wish well to the grandfather, an accomplished ...
The tale of the holy vestments

The tale of the holy vestments

Rabbi Mashiach Kelaty
In this week's parasha there is a narrative that includes two verses that seem superfluous. The Torah, in reintroducing Aharon ...
What is Faith?

What is Faith?

Rabbi Yehonatan Salem
As we start the book of Shemot, let us delve into its general message and central theme. The perashah begins ...
The strangers ONE Question!

The strangers ONE Question!

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
Do you have ambition? When you were younger were you striving to reach a goal, a job that would lead ...
The Only True Kindness In This World

The Only True Kindness In This World

Rabbi Raphy Garson
As Yaakov takes leave of this world, he beseeches his son Yoseph with the following request “and do for me ...
  Live Forever!

  Live Forever!

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
If there is one thing for certain in life, it is that everyone dies. Sounds depressing, but in actual fact ...
Explain Yourself

Explain Yourself

Rabbi Yehonatan Salem
Yaakov Avinu  was instructed by his parents to go to the house   of Lavan to find himself a spouse. He ...
Parasha Insights

Parasha Insights

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
After seven years of working hard for Lavan in order to marry his daughter Rachel, and eager to build the ...
Honour Your Father and Your Mother

Honour Your Father and Your Mother

Rabbi Boruch M. Boudilovsky
The moment when Esau pitifully begs his aging father for a blessing after all, bitterly weeping (Genesis 27:38), can easily ...


Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
Alexandros III Philippou Makedonon commonly known in the West as Alexander the Great King of Macedon (336–323 B.C.E.), was the ...
AJEX Shabbat 2020

AJEX Shabbat 2020

Rabbi Reuben Livingstone
Memory has sustained us as Jews over thousands of years through a most challenging history. Our faith and our people ...
Confusing Our Minds!

Confusing Our Minds!

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
Our Parsha begins on a sad note. Sarah the wife of Avraham and the Mother of the Jewish people passes ...
Parasha Insights

Parasha Insights

Rabbi Garry Wayland
Avraham and Lot had long since parted ways; the dispute between their shepherds was the catalyst for the protégé Lot ...
Every Step Counts!

Every Step Counts!

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
It was a scorching hot day, and Avraham was recovering from his Brit Mila. The Torah relates what happens next: ...
Parasha Insights

Parasha Insights

Rabbi Mordechai Ovadia
“And Noach the man of the earth profaned and he planted a vineyard and drank from the wine and he ...
The Lazy Son!

The Lazy Son!

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
How are you feeling this week? Exhausted!?! Why? Well, where do I start? After a month of waking up early ...
Write YOUR book!

Write YOUR book!

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
A recent survey by the National Centre for Social Research found that for the first time, more than half of ...
Dvar Torah for Rosh Hashana 5781

Dvar Torah for Rosh Hashana 5781

Rabbi Mordechai Fhima
This year we have a very special Rosh Hashana after the effect of having been out of routine for some ...


 Rabbi Mashiach Kelaty            
There is a widely discussed question of why Rosh HaShanah precedes Yom HaKippur. Logically, it would seem to make more ...
Judaism – Just a Religion?

Judaism – Just a Religion?

Rabbi Dovie Shochet
Have you ever felt that being Jewish can be limiting and restricting? Or have you perhaps viewed Yiddishkeit as a ...
The Chief Rabbi’s Rosh Hashanah Message 5781

The Chief Rabbi’s Rosh Hashanah Message 5781

Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis
As I reflect on an extraordinary year, my first thoughts are with those whose lives were tragically cut short by ...
A calamitous confusion

A calamitous confusion

Rabbi Dov Levy
In this week’s Parasha we are told of the terrible calamity of the worshipping of the golden calf. As Moshe ...
Two is better than one!

Two is better than one!

Rabbi Jonathan Tawil
An ignorant patient once approached a doctor asking for his analysis on his brain. The doctor examined the patient and ...
Parasha Insights

Parasha Insights

Rabbi Menachem M. Junik
There is something entirely unique to Parshas Tetzave that we do not find by any other Parsha from the beginning of Sefer Shemot until the end of ...

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