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A Beautiful Fresh Start!

This week we restart reading the Torah from the beginning – Bereishit. The first book of the Torah takes its name from the first word – Bereishit – in the beginning. The first Pasuk of the Torah is filled with…

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Parasha Insights

The Talmud (Zevachim 116a) discusses what made Yithro, a gentile priest, come to join our nation? R. Yehoshua says it was the war of Amalek; R. Elazar HaModai says the giving of the Torah; R. Eliezer says the splitting of…

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To Influence or be Influenced?

We find that Yaakov issued only one instruction in connection with his family’s sudden departure to Egypt – that Yehuda should travel ahead of the party to set up a beit midrash (Rashi46:28). Yaakov’s decision to give this instruction needs explanation.Pharaoh had already promised Yaakov and his family “the goodness of Egypt”…

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Shema Yisrael!

Twenty two long years have passed and finally Yosef meets his father: “He [Yosef] fell on his [father’s] neck, and wept exceedingly” (46:29). Yosef poured out his heart in a sea of tears at the emotional release of seeing his…

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Chanuka Presents!

The delicious smell of doughnuts is in the air, and the beautiful candles across the community are alight as we delve into oil for the next eight days, sharing songs and presents with our loved ones. The story is told…

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Finding Parking

A man was driving to a very important meeting in town. He was late and any more delay could cause him the loss of a multibillion dollar deal. He arrives near the office only to find that all the parking…

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