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Blessings are great, but curses, well no one wants to hear those. This weeks Parsha sets out the blessings that will occur when we do the Will of our Creator, and Chas Ve Shalom the curses that will occur if…

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Don’t Abuse

This week’s parasha discusses a prohibition common to business and speech: “When you sell an item to your friend, or you buy from your friend, do not exploit (overcharge or underpay) one another” (Behar 25:14). The Torah commands both the…

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Parsha Insights

“Tell the Kohanim descendants of Aharon, and you shall say to them, he may not defile himself in contact with a deceased amongst his people” (21:1). Our Parsha opens up with the laws that apply exclusively to the Kohen, due…

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Your child is playing on the beach with his friend making a sand castle. He makes the most magnificent edifice with four towers, a moat of water and great structures. After four hours of hard work, he runs to tell…

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Leaving a True Legacy!

Since the day Adam Harishon was created and then moved on to the higher worlds, a theory about life has been made. Everyday people take their lives for granted. But after they have faced mortal loss or life-threatening situations, their…

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