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Giving or Taking?

The Torah teaches us a lot about the commandment, incumbent upon a man, of getting married. Due to its importance, the mitzvah “to be fruitful and multiply” is the first commandment to be mentioned in the Torah. Getting married, building…

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Shabbat Hagadol

One of the most interesting aspects of this Shabbat preceding Pesach is its name which we usually translate to mean the Great Shabbat.  However this leaves us with a number of questions. Why then is the masculine adjective ha-gadol used,…

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Powerful Words!

Have you ever been in a group having a conversation, when you notice that the person that is speaking the most might be speaking a lot but deep down there seems to be no meaning emanating from him? Some people…

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We live in a privileged generation. Whereas our grandparents found it hard to keep a kosher home, we are spoilt for choice. Kosher outlets and restaurants are opening across the country, food is being produced with flavours that were unheard…

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