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october, 2021

sun10oct(oct 10)10:00 AMsun21nov(nov 21)12:00 PMEvent OverBat Mitzvah Program!10:00 AM - (november 21) 12:00 PM

Ticket Section Title

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Event Details

Together we will embark on a  special journey in the footsteps of unique women in the history of the Jewish people way back to the times of the Imahot.


We will learn to see ourselves as their continuation in the chain of the generations, and understand how each Bat Mitzvah girl is the newest link in this chain so how we can continue this incredible link for future generations.


Our program is inspiring, educational, creative and is run in a really fun, warm environment. With classes combined with crafts and projects there is no other Bat Mitzvah program like ours 😃


10th Oct- What’s difference between being 11 and 12?

17th Oct  – Sarah – Shabbat

24th Oct -Rivka – Prayer

7th Nov- Rachel – Giving /caring

14th Nov- Leah  – Gratitude

21st Nov – How can we make a lasting chain? – family project presentation

Ages 10-12

Sundays from 10am to 12pm


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