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Prevention or Cure

Shabbat arrives and the family gathers round the table. The children approach their father for a blessing, and out of his Holy mouth emanates the famous words Yevarechacha Hashem Veyishmeracha – May Hashem Bless you and Guard you. This was…

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Our Individual Mission

This week, as we start the book of Bamidbar, the Torah begins by enumerating the Jewish People who were in the Sinai desert. This is to symbolize that every Jew, without exception, has a unique and intrinsic value, and is…

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Unity in Numbers!

What does a number mean to you? Technically a number is a mathematical object used to count and measure. Yet we use numbers to represent important times in our lives, to role dice in a game or even play a…

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The Ultimate Blessing!

Shabbat arrives and the family gathers round the table. The children approach their father for a blessing, and out of his Holy mouth emanates the famous words Yevarechacha Hashem Veyishmeracha – May Hashem Bless you and Guard you. This was…

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Leaders by example

A comedian stands up before the crowd, taps the microphone and says “what’s the difference between a manager, supervisor, and a leader?” The crowd sits in silence in anticipation of the punch line. “A Supervisor will tell you they are…

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