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Leaders by example

A comedian stands up before the crowd, taps the microphone and says “what’s the difference between a manager, supervisor, and a leader?” The crowd sits in silence in anticipation of the punch line. “A Supervisor will tell you they are…

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Top Leader!

The daughters of Tselofchad were very righteous and wise. The Midrash (Otzar Midrashim p474) lists them among the 23 most righteous Jewish women in history. Their father had died in the wilderness and left five girls behind. He had no…

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Awaiting His Arrival!

Looking forwards to this week’s Kiddush? For some people it’s the highlight of the week. For others, the highlight arrives just before the Kiddush. This week, as the Shabbat Morning Prayer is being said, take an extra deep look into…

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Parasha Insights

At the end of last week’s sedra, we came across one the most unsavoury incidents in the history of Am Yisrael.  Without mentioning names, the Torah tells us that a leader came and brought near to his brothers a Midianite…

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