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Two Sides of the Coin

This week’s parasha recounts the famous story of the Jewish spies that were sent into Israel to investigate the land before entering. The spies found that the land was well inhabited and they were distraught that they would not be…

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The spies returned from their 40 day tour of the land of Israel. As they are relating to the Bnei Yisrael what they saw, they exclaim, “We saw the… sons of the giant… and we were like grasshoppers in our…

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To “Know” and to “Feel”

In response to the B’nei Yisrael’s decision to listen to the negative reports of the spies Hashem asks : “Until when will this people anger me and until when will they not believe in me given all the signs I have brought about in…

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Why am I seeing this?!

Moshe had a special mission cut out for twelve individuals. They had to be hand picked and were going on a national mission to search out the land of Israel. The twelve spies set out to search the land of…

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Parsha Insights

“And Moshe called Hoshea the son of Nun Yehoshua” (13:16). The revised name Yehoshua implies Y-ah Hoshia [may G-d save you], symbolizing that before sending the spies on their mission, Moshe prayed on behalf of Yehoshua that G-d should save…

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