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What is Faith?

As we start the book of Shemot, let us delve into its general message and central theme. The perashah begins with the descent of Yaakov Avinu and his family to Egypt. They were only a small group when they arrived,…

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The Mishkan was an amazing edifice. It commanded awe, and Hashem’s presence dwelled amongst our nation. Alas today we are without the Mishkan and without the Bet Hamikdash. Nevertheless our Sages have taught us that there are many hints throughout…

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Space for Hashem

The most ambitious construction project was complete and the Mishkan – the portable desert sanctuary – was established according to Hashem’s instruction. So we would expect a triumphant climax to the people’s efforts as the Shechinah fills Hashem’s magnificent earthly…

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Out Of Order

The Gemara (Pesachim 6b) proves that on occasion the events in the Torah do not follow chronological order. This principle takes centre stage in a debate amongst the commentaries as to the order of the latter half of Chumash Shemot.…

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G-d’s Gift!

As the curtain rises on Parshat Vayakhel, Moshe assembles the nation in order to convey G-d’s commandments concerning the construction of the Mishkan (the Sanctuary). Suddenly, however, he opens his remarks with the following directives concerning Shabbat: “Six days work…

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Two is Better Than One!

An ignorant patient once approached a doctor asking for his analysis on his brain. The doctor examined the patient and told him, “I’m sorry to tell you that your brain has two halves. The left half has nothing right in…

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