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The Ketoret

What was Ketoret? The Ketoret was a compound of eleven (11) different spices, which weighed approximately 1,840 pounds [836.36 kg]. From this compound an incense offering (also called Ketoret) was brought in the Beit HaMikdash (Holy Temple). This offering was…

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Rising to the Challenge

At the beginning of the perashah, the Torah instructs the high priest to light the menorah – candelabrum every evening. One of its lights would miraculously stay alight constantly, thereby giving testimony that G-d dwells amongst His people. The verse…

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Have you ever felt in an awkward situation where you really want to let your feelings be known, but its been hard to portray them well? The key to success boils down to communication. Portraying your message clearly and accurately…

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Being a Giver is About Fulfilling What is Needed

Oil for lighting, spices for the anointing oil and for the incense (Shemos 25:6) Building upon Rashi’s commentary of this pasuk the Maharal in his sefer Gur Aryeh is puzzled with the Torah’s description of the oil and spices donations to the mishkan. Identifies the Maharal that when it came to all…

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Parasha Insights

I remember when I was very young I received a model aeroplane as a birthday present.  I saw on the box a picture of a shiny model aeroplane bedecked with glossy stickers, even a tiny sized pilot in the seat…

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There is a joke told about a thief who decided to rob a house one night. He broke in stealthily and after much effort found some expensive jewellery which he managed to pack into his bag. Just then he heard…

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