Parasha Insights
In this week’s Parsha we read about the evil intentions of Balak who hired Bilam to curse our nation. The Almighty God turned the curses of Bilam into blessings. Let us delve a little deeper and see what Bilam really…
In this week’s Parsha we read about the evil intentions of Balak who hired Bilam to curse our nation. The Almighty God turned the curses of Bilam into blessings. Let us delve a little deeper and see what Bilam really…
The Beis HaLevi, Rov of Brisk had an interesting custom. While receiving his townspeople in his study and offering them his sage advice and counsel, he would regularly open a small silver snuff box, peer inside, and then close it.…
Lilui nishmat Ovi Moiri Reb Zvi Hershel ben Yakov z’l In the beginning of this week’s Parsha the Torah describes how Yaacov was frightened of meeting his brother Esov. The Torah uses two words to describe his fear. Vayiro, he…
The Gemara Menachot (43b) brings a famous saying of Rabbi Meir who states: “It is obligatory for every person to say 100 blessings (Berachot) each day.” The source for this 100 Berachot is derived from a Pasuk in Devarim (10:12)…
As we read about the mabul that destroyed an entire generation, and left only NOACH with his family intact in the safety of the Teivoh, we need to give this a little thought. What was the severity of the sin…