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Sixteen Thousand Years

In the age of big numbers we have recently witnessed an awesome but sad statistic. An article in the Economist noted that the loony music video “Gangnam Style” surpassed two billion views on YouTube a few weeks ago, making it…

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Not Just Any Stones!

The Talmud (Sotah 42a) says that there are four groups of people that do not merit greeting the Divine presence. One of them is liars. The Ben Ish Chai (Ben Yehoyada ibid) explains that the liar’s punishment is measure for…

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Small Actions

The great Sage Rav stated (Gemara Nazir 23b) a person should always endeavor to study Torah and perform Mitsvot, even if he is performing the Mitsvot for an alternative reason, and not for the sake of Heaven (Afilu SheLelo Lishma…

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Disconnect to Reconnect!

Enter a synagogue during the week and take a look around. What are people’s facial expressions? Tired, overworked, stressed? When it comes to Shabbat morning however, it would seem that you are entering a different place with completely different people.…

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Parasha Insights

To become a leader one needs stamina, charisma, to be persistent, powerful and pushy in his drive. One needs to walk over others that step in his path, pushing them aside, and work hard to keep his position. I am…

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