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The spies returned from their 40 day tour of the land of Israel. As they are relating to the Bnei Yisrael what they saw, they exclaim, “We saw the… sons of the giant… and we were like grasshoppers in our…

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Are you Moshe?!

Want to be a servant? Of course not, it’s a tough job right? Well there’s another side to that argument. The number of butlers registered with Greycoat Placements, the servants’ employment agency, has almost doubled to more than 5,000 over…

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The Ultimate Blessing!

Shabbat arrives and the family gathers round the table. The children approach their father for a blessing, and out of his Holy mouth emanates the famous words Yevarechacha Hashem Veyishmeracha – May Hashem Bless you and Guard you. This was…

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Unity in Numbers!

What does a number mean to you? Technically a number is a mathematical object used to count and measure. Yet we use numbers to represent important times in our lives, to role dice in a game or even play a…

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Blessings are great, but curses, well no one wants to hear those. This weeks Parsha sets out the blessings that will occur when we do the Will of our Creator, and Chas Ve Shalom the curses that will occur if…

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