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Powerful Words!

Have you ever been in a group having a conversation, when you notice that the person that is speaking the most might be speaking a lot but deep down there seems to be no meaning emanating from him? Some people…

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We live in a privileged generation. Whereas our grandparents found it hard to keep a kosher home, we are spoilt for choice. Kosher outlets and restaurants are opening across the country, food is being produced with flavours that were unheard…

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The Billion Dollar Purim!

We live in the billion generation. A billion is a difficult number to comprehend, but let’s try to put that figure in perspective: A billion seconds ago, it was 1959. A billion minutes ago, the Roman Empire was in full…

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The Mishkan was an amazing edifice. It commanded awe, and Hashem’s presence dwelled amongst our nation. Alas today we are without the Mishkan and without the Bet Hamikdash. Nevertheless our Sages have taught us that there are many hints throughout…

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