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The Secret Small Aleph

There is a story of a US Naval ship travelling on a stormy winter night off the coast of Newfoundland; The captain on the deck notices a dim green blip that suddenly appears on the radar screen. Radioing into the…

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G-d’s Gift!

As the curtain rises on Parshat Vayakhel, Moshe assembles the nation in order to convey G-d’s commandments concerning the construction of the Mishkan (the Sanctuary). Suddenly, however, he opens his remarks with the following directives concerning Shabbat: “Six days work…

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Two is Better Than One!

An ignorant patient once approached a doctor asking for his analysis on his brain. The doctor examined the patient and told him, “I’m sorry to tell you that your brain has two halves. The left half has nothing right in…

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The Ketoret

What was Ketoret? The Ketoret was a compound of eleven (11) different spices, which weighed approximately 1,840 pounds [836.36 kg]. From this compound an incense offering (also called Ketoret) was brought in the Beit HaMikdash (Holy Temple). This offering was…

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Have you ever felt in an awkward situation where you really want to let your feelings be known, but its been hard to portray them well? The key to success boils down to communication. Portraying your message clearly and accurately…

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