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Live Forever!

If there is one thing for certain in life, it is that everyone dies. Sounds depressing, but in actual fact we know that this world is but a corridor to the Real (Eternal) World – the world to come. Yet…

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Shema Yisrael!

Twenty two long years have passed and finally Yosef meets his father: “He [Yosef] fell on his [father’s] neck, and wept exceedingly” (46:29). Yosef poured out his heart in a sea of tears at the emotional release of seeing his…

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Dreidel Dreidel Dreidel….. The Ancient Greeks have contributed a great deal to society. They played an important part in the development of the alphabet (the first two letters of the Greek alphabet – alpha and beta – have given us…

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Finding Parking!

A man was driving to a very important meeting in town. He was late and any more delay could cause him the loss of a multibillion dollar deal. He arrives near the office only to find that all the parking…

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Where was Dina?

Yaakov was preparing for his encounter with Esav. He transferred the entire family across the river. Yet the Torah seems to miss out the mention of one person – Dina. Rashi (32:23) commenting on the transfer, states that Dina was…

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