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Parasha Insights

After seven years of working hard for Lavan in order to marry his daughter Rachel, and eager to build the next block in Am Yisrael, Yaakov awakens in the morning and is stunned to find out that he has been…

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Parasha Insights

Truth is one of the pillars of the world. (Avot 1:18). The Gemara stresses the importance of speaking the truth by relating that it was due to a lack of honest men that Jerusalem was destroyed (Shabbat 119). Furthermore someone…

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Praying isn’t as easy at it seems. Sometimes we pray for something for years and never seem to be answered, yet on other occasions we can see immediate success in our prayers. In this week’s parsha we learn of one…

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Alarm Bells Ringing

The alarm rings. It’s six thirty in the morning and your head is spinning. You wonder to yourself what day is it? After a few seconds you realise its Thursday and that Shul awaits you. You convince yourself, just another…

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Parasha Insights

A couple came in for counselling. The husband was a football ‘fanatic’. The wife spoke of how every night he would rush to the TV and ensure to watch the game. The therapist assured her it was actually quite the…

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