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The Lazy Son!

How are you feeling this week? Exhausted!?! Why? Well, where do I start? After a month of waking up early for Selichot, two deep days in prayer at Rosh Hashanah, ten days of repenting followed by a beautiful fast on…

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A Beautiful Fresh Start!

This week we restart reading the Torah from the beginning – Bereishit. The first book of the Torah takes its name from the first word – Bereishit – in the beginning. The first Pasuk of the Torah is filled with…

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One Small Step!

After a big storm, thousands of starfish had washed up on a secluded beach. One day, a man was walking down the beach and saw a stranger picking up one starfish at a time and throwing them back into the…

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MARRIAGE – Two Wives!

Are you married? No? What you waiting for, join the club! Yes – for how long? Has it been a while since you were under the chupa with your spouse to be? How’s married life treating you? When we are…

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