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Leaving a true legacy!

Since the day Adam Harishon was created and then moved on to the higher worlds, a theory about life has been made. Everyday people take their lives for granted. But after they have faced mortal loss or life-threatening situations, their…

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This week’s Torah portion, Metsora, discusses the laws of various forms of Tumah [spiritual defilement] that result from certain discolorations on the body, clothing, or one’s home, as well as certain discharges. Removing the impurity is not always a simple…

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Fit for the job!

In a world populated by more than 7 billion, we are constantly in contact with people around us. Every day we have interaction with others. Imagine the following: You are walking with the kids in a theme park, or supermarket.…

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Bring on the Questions!

A little boy once returned home from Cheder and his father asked, “What did you learn today?” He answered, “The Rabbi told us how Moshe led the children of Israel out of Egypt.” “Excellent, tell me how?” asked the father.…

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The Ultimate Blessing!

Shabbat arrives and the family gathers round the table. The children approach their father for a blessing, and out of his Holy mouth emanates the famous words Yevarechacha Hashem Veyishmeracha – May Hashem Bless you and Guard you. This was…

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