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Hashem’s Wonders

Soon we shall all be sitting with our families around the Seder table, men women, grandparents, children, many generations sitting at one table in order to relate the story of our ancestors and how G-d redeemed them from Egypt. It…

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G-d’s Gift!

As the curtain rises on Parshat Vayakhel, Moshe assembles the nation in order to convey G-d’s commandments concerning the construction of the Mishkan (the Sanctuary). Suddenly, however, he opens his remarks with the following directives concerning Shabbat: “Six days work…

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Parasha Insights

In 2015 Johnny Strange lived up to his last name – entering the record books for pulling a huge aeroplane with his ears! Johnny, 26 at the time, used chains through pierced holes in his ears to drag a Cessna…

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What are you wearing today?

In this week’s Parasha, the Torah describes at length what the Kohen Gadol should wear when performing his service (Avodah) in the Temple (Mishkan). The Pasuk states, “VeAsita Vigdei Kodesh LeAharon Achicha LeChavod UL’Tifaret,” “And you shall make holy garments…

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