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Have you ever felt in an awkward situation where you really want to let your feelings be known, but it’s been hard to portray them well? The key to success boils down to communication. Portraying your message clearly and accurately…

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There is a joke told about a thief who decided to rob a house one night. He broke in stealthily and after much effort found some expensive jewellery which he managed to pack into his bag. Just then he heard…

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Parasha Insights

How is your schedule looking next week? Shouldn’t really talk about it on Shabbat, but I am asking as this question has a specific lesson to teach. We are grateful to be living in one of the most advanced nations…

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Making a Mockery

A typical Jewish married couple are the proud parents of a 12-year-old daughter. They are not at all Jewishly observant, but they want their child to grow up happy and healthy, and to marry a Jew. You point out to…

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