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Every Step Counts!

It was a scorching hot day, and Avraham was recovering from his Brit Mila. The Torah relates what happens next: “And he lifted his eyes and saw, and behold, three men were standing beside him, and he saw and he ran toward them from the entrance of…

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Lech Lecha

From the moment we are born, to the day that G-d calls us, we are tested. In essence, everything is a test, and once we absorb this, it will become easier to bear the many challenges and trials of life.…

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The Thief’s Answer!

Imagine a fantastic life where children are conceived and born on the same day. A newborn child is immediately able to stand and walk with the ability to speak. The land is filled with abundance and great produce. People possess…

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A Gift from G-d!

Simon moved up north and noticed that there was no supermarket in his area. He opened up a very popular store and within a few years was earning a staggering £20,000 a month. Business was great. He had a fantastic…

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