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Ooh or Aah?

The great Chassidic sageRabbi Aryeh Leib known as the ShpolleZeide, tells how as a child, he would go to a shvitz (steam bath) with his father, who would pour freezing water on him just as he began to perspire. “Ooh,”…

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To Fear G-d.

Bertrand Russell (a British philosopher and mathematician who was a foremost proponent of atheism in the early 20th century) once was asked what he will respond if after he dies he meets G-d and He will judge him for his lack…

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Are you wise?!

A Jew was riding on a train travelling through Russia. Seated next to him was a soldier of the Czar quietly boiling and seething with deep hatred toward the Jew. In one moment he let loose his anger to the…

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Where’s My Reward?

The Midrash Tehillim says that the Giants Og and Sichon were more formidable adversaries than Pharaoh and his army. Moshe had battled Sichon and won. Now he faced a war against the mighty Og. Yet before this war, Moshe seems…

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Leaders by example

A comedian stands up before the crowd, taps the microphone and says “what’s the difference between a manager, supervisor, and a leader?” The crowd sits in silence in anticipation of the punch line. “A Supervisor will tell you they are…

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