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Parasha Insights

In this week’s Parasha we learn about the Metzora – a person who is afflicted and cast out of the camp because of the sin of slander. The Midrash explains that the word Metzora can be read Motsi Shem Ra…

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Child Sacrifice!

Have you ever wondered what is the best part of the Torah to start to teach your child? The obvious start would be at the beginning – Bereishit, or perhaps you would prefer to start it with the first mitzvah…

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What does the month of Nissan and women have in common? No it’s not the extensive cleaning or the cooking. Although that might have something to do with it, there is much more than meets the eye. As we arrive closer to the…

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Gather around

The Jews had waited for what they thought was 40 days. Where was Moshe? So they panicked and made the famous Eigel Hazahav – Golden Calf. This week we take out two Sifrei Torah. The first is for the regular weekly portion,…

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