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Where are you from?

It’s the middle of the coldest January in 50 years. Two friends are sitting in a bar in Saskatchewan – Canada, arguing over their vacation plans. Today is the beginning of their holidays, and they still haven’t decided where they’re…

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Keep Focused!

When Moshe was commanded by Hashem to make the Mishkan, he trembled. He thought to himself, “how is it possible to build a house for G-d – who encompasses and transcends all the heavens?” Hashem replied, reassuring him, “not by…

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Money Money Money!

Money makes the world go round is the famous saying. We need money to buy our food, to build our houses to pay our day to day bills. Money enables us to survive. Yet money, especially in today’s economically hard…

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There is a famous story of a man called Mo that went to borrow a horse from his neighbour, Shmuli. “Sure, you can borrow my horse,” replied Shmuli, “But there is one thing you have to know about this horse.…

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Torah Power!

Maimonides was the court physician for the Sultan Saladin in medieval Egypt. Reportedly the Sultan was hardly ever ill. Once he called Maimonides, and demanded of him proof that he was a good doctor. “I am never ill,” said Saladin,…

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