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Choosing a wife!

Finding a wife isn’t a simple task. When you are commissioned to find the wife of your master’s son, the saintly Yitzchak, it’s even tougher. On the surface it looks like Eliezer, servant of Avraham, set out on his task…

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Thanking G-d at every stage in your life is important. In the olden days the Mizbeach (altar) represented the place in which a person could offer up thanks to Hashem. At the end of this week’s Parsha, the Torah tells…

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The lobster is a soft mushy animal that lives inside a solid shell. That rigid shell doesn’t expand. So how does the lobster grow? As the lobster grows it feels under pressure of its shell. It goes under a rock…

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Beneath The Surface

Have you ever seen an iceberg up close? Take a look at the picture on this page. Quite startling. The photograph came from a rig manager for Global Marine Drilling in St. John, Newfoundland. They have to divert the path…

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Who’s Judging?

Just over a hundred years ago an Italian salesman was sent to far islands to assess the market there for shoes. He scouted around for a few days and then headed for the telegraph office to contact company headquarters.  He…

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