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Are you thirsty?

Cognitive dissonance is a kind of armour that we build up to ward off information that we don’t want to hear. According to cognitive dissonance theory, we seek consistency among our beliefs. When there is dissonance between belief and behaviour,…

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Ki Tavo – Catch Up!

Ki Tavo is always read just before Rosh Hashanah and it gives us good preparation for the days of Judgment. As the year ends and we start to concentrate on a better future, we ask Hashem Tichleh Shana Vekileloteha –…

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Two Wives!

Are you married? No? What you waiting for join the club. Yes – for how long? Has it been a while since you were under the chupa with your spouse to be? How’s married life treating you? When we are…

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The Mishna in Pirkei Avot (1:6) states that we should make ourselves (have) a Rabbi, and buy ourselves a friend. Generally our perspective is highly subjective and biased with respect to all matters concerning our self. Our desires blind our…

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Are you wise?!

A Jew was riding on a train travelling through Russia. Seated next to him was a soldier of the Czar quietly boiling and seething with deep hatred toward the Jew. In one moment he let loose his anger to the…

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