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Humble With Power

As business boomed for tailors in a busy street in London, four tailors decided to open up one after each other. The first was George’s Tailor Shop. The sign read: The best tailor in the area! The second was Edward’s…

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The Choice is Ours

The story is told about a man that didn’t believe in free will. After 120 years he went up to heaven and was met with two paths in front of him. The first had a sign saying “Believers in predestination”…

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Your child is playing on the beach with his friend making a sand castle. He makes the most magnificent edifice with four towers, a moat of water and great structures. After four hours of hard work, he runs to tell…

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Leaving a true legacy!

Since the day Adam Harishon was created and then moved on to the higher worlds, a theory about life has been made. Everyday people take their lives for granted. But after they have faced mortal loss or life-threatening situations, their…

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