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It was a momentous occasion; Simon was finally under the Chupa with his dear bride Sarah. Hundreds of people eagerly looked on as the final smash of the glass occurred accompanied by music and large chants of Mazal Tov! The…

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Metzora 5776

This week’s Torah portion, Metsora, discusses the laws of various forms of Tumah [spiritual defilement] that result from certain discolorations on the body, clothing, or one’s home, as well as certain discharges. Removing the impurity is not always a simple…

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We live in a privileged generation. Whereas our grandparents found it hard to keep a kosher home, we are spoilt for choice. Kosher outlets and restaurants are opening across the country, food is being produced with flavours that were unheard of, and…

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The Art of Giving!

Judaism is full of blessings. We are commanded to recite one hundred blessings a day. Yet, there is no blessing with regards to a certain special mitzvah that we perform quiet often – Tsedaka (charity). Out of all the blessings…

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