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Absorbing the Kedusha

It is the custom of Am Yisrael, that when someone is called to the Torah, their name is first called out prior to their Aliya. There is a famous story of how one Shabbat an Israeli who was not a…

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The Mishkan was an amazing edifice. It commanded awe, and Hashem’s presence dwelled amongst our nation. Alas today we are without the Mishkan and without the Bet Hamikdash. Nevertheless our Sages have taught us that there are many hints throughout…

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Parasha Insights

In 2015 Johnny Strange lived up to his last name – entering the record books for pulling a huge aeroplane with his ears! Johnny, 26 at the time, used chains through pierced holes in his ears to drag a Cessna…

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Your True Self!

After the Golden Calf debacle, Moshe sought to open a path for the Jewish people to attain G d’s forgiveness. To this end, G d revealed to Moshe the Thirteen Divine Attributes of Mercy, opening a pathway for all future…

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What are you wearing today?

A recent article featuring celebrities without make up went viral. Many of their ‘real’ faces were not recognised by followers. Society nowadays seems to put so much emphasis on beauty and looks. Is this also a Jewish view? In this…

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