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Parasha Insights

A cruel husband once approached his wife and told her “I’m the boss and you’re nothing.” She instantly replied, “Well I guess then… that makes you the boss of nothing!” How much wisdom was captured in those few lines and…

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Powerful Words

Have you ever been in a group having a conversation, when you notice that the person that is speaking the most might be speaking a lot but deep down there seems to be no meaning emanating from him? Some people…

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Fit for the job!

In a world populated by more than 7 billion, we are constantly in contact with people around us. Every day we have interaction with others. Imagine the following: You are walking with the kids in a theme park, or supermarket.…

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The Night of miracles!

The Prince of Mannheim, once approached the 19th century Sage – Rabbi Naftali Tzvi Berlin Zts’l and asked him this question: “Every year at the Seder on Pesach, Jewish children ask ‘MahNishtana…,Why is this night different from all other nights?’ But Pesach is…

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Soon we shall all be sitting with our families around the Seder table, men women, grandparents, children, many generations sitting at one table in order to relate the story of our ancestors and how G-d redeemed them from Egypt. It…

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