Parasha Insights
Vayikach Yisro .. es Ziporah .. Veis shnei vonehu asher shem hoechad Gershom .. Veshem hoechad Eliezer. Jethro the father in law of Moses took Zipporah and her two sons of whom the name of one was Gershom , and…
A Message from the Sukah
It says in Parshat Pinchos, 'Bayom Hashemini Atzeret Tiheye Lochem'. Targum Yonason translates this as 'We should gather ourselves from the Sukah to our homes, besimcha' - i.e. the essence of the day of Shemini Atzeret is that we are…
The prophecy of Bilom and Hashem’s kindness
In the end of the first chapter of Berochos ,12b it says that Chazal wanted to insitute parshat Bolok as the third chapter of Keriat Shema as it mentions yetziat mitzrayim.(They didn't add it due to it's length). However the…
The Second Splitting of the Sea and It’s Ramifications
‘Daber el Bnei Yisroel veyoshvu veyachanu… veomar Phaorah levenei yisroel nevuchim heim boaretz’ ‘Speak to the Children of Israel and let them turn back and encamp…Pharaoh will say to the Children of Israel they are confined in the land’ (CH 14, V…